Endodontics (Root Canals)

World dental Care Centre specializes in endodontics, also known as root canal. When the area of the tooth containing the nerves and blood supply becomes damaged or infected, you know it by the excruciating pain you feel in the diseased tooth.Endodontics is used to repair teeth damaged or diseased in this way.

Symptoms of nerve damage or infection that may require endodontics include severe tooth pain, darkening of the tooth, sensitivity to heat and cold, and swelling, tenderness, or recurring pimples on the gums. Sometimes, however, no symptoms appear, yet endodontics may still be essential to maintain the health of the mouth.

Endodontics is usually not a painful procedure. However, having your dentist tell you that you need a root canal performed on a tooth has traditionally been one of the most fear-provoking things a dentist could say to a patient. But at World Dental Care Centre, if pain is anticipated or if just the word "root canal" sends shivers down your spine, we offer many solutions to relieve you of any pain during the procedure.

Once the root canal is completed, it is typical to experience some discomfort for a few days. Most patients find that over the counter drugs, such as Ibrupophen or Naproxen, are quite effective in elimination this discomfort, but Doctor can prescribe something more potent if necessary or desired.

Teeth that have undergone root canal therapy are weakened. This is not only because of the original breakdown or cavity within the tooth but also because a hole has to made deep within the tooth to allow the Endodontist/dentist access to the root canals for treatment. For this reason, teeth that have undergone root canal therapy often require additional treatment with a crown to add further strength. Teeth that have undergone root canal therapy require careful monitoring thereafter. This takes the form of clinical assessment and X-rays which are taken at regular intervals of between one and three years.