Kid Care

Thank you for choosing World Dental Care Centre for your child's oral health care. We are committed to excellence and service in all areas of pediatric dentistry. It is our pleasure to welcome you and your child to our practice.

The is nothing more beautiful than a child's smile. But in order for that smile to last a lifetime, that beautiful smile will need help. Good dental health patterns should begin in infancy and continue throughout adult life. At World Dental Care Centre, we understand that positive dental experiences early in life will lead to proper and regular dental visits as an adult.

Our goal is to help your child achieve and maintain excellent oral health that will last a lifetime. Our trained, professional staff works as a team to make your child's visit a pleasant, comfortable, and rewarding dental experience.

You can play a large part in preparing your youngster for his/her first visit to the dentist. Try to act relaxed and at ease. Any anxiety on your part will probably be sensed by your child. Tell your child that we will "count" and "take pictures" of his/her teeth. Do not use any fear provoking words such as hurt, drill, pull, or needle. Avoid statements like, "The doctor will not hurt you."

We will thoroughly explain each of our procedures to your child in terms that he/she can understand before we do it. Depending upon the child's age, we will probably ask you to remain in the reception area so that we can spend time alone with your child. Afterwards, we will invite you to the operative area so that we may review your child's history, diagnosis, or specific problems. Be assured that we will treat your children as delicately as we treat our own. However, some children will cry as this a normal response to a strange situation.